Friday, November 5, 2010

By Terence

33 is still very much in my life and still managing to surprise me.

A couple of weeks back I had a meeting planned with a large computer company in Ireland. When I arrived at the airport I was attracted to a very stylish pen - it was a Caran propelling pencil.It was marked up at £450 less 25% discount. I asked the lady to show it to me - it was heavy and strong so evenbeing the most expensive pencil I have ever touched it was now going to be mine."I will take some spared leads with that please" I said.So she wrapped the pen into a beautiful presentation box and gave me bill.

£333.99 !

When I got to Dublin I hired a car and at some random distance from the Airport I pressed the trip to see how far I would travel.I arrived at my destination and looked down at the trip.

33.3 miles exactly !

I went for my meeting and it went on for a long time.When I left the building - got into my car - and looked at my watch.


I now have my car number plate as Y333EEE

It makes me smile every time I see it.

I know this phenomenon is weird but I welcome it into my life - it has given me something beyond normal into an extra world of happiness and goodness.

That is the way I feel and I thought you all should know it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Akima Sushi

I recently went to Houston, Texas. When I went to Akim Sushi with my family and friends, we got the table 33 and also their phone number has a bunch of 33 in it.

Bed, Bath & Beyond

When I went to buy some things at Bed, Bath & Beyond, my total came to out $33.05

Friday, April 24, 2009

By Clint

33, host of introductions.

It was about the year 2000 when 33 made itself very clear to me. I was heavily engaged in raising my children, a couple of my children were infants I was taking full time care of. And on the side, I had been practicing (non religious) healing out of my home. I had been successful, Meaning, about 90% of those who came to see me were healed of the condition they suffered from. But I was feeling pretty lonely, out of touch with everyone, and just faced with work all the time. I found myself wishing for some company of like minded individuals and this is when I began seeing 33 everywhere. 33 is, and has been my favorite number since childhood. So whenever I saw it, I would smile, but it started coming at me more than usual, or even statistically possible. So I started searching for it's particular meaning.

It did not take long to discover it did not have a particular meaning, but rather many meanings, with seemingly no common denominator, then I found a site called 33mysteries, a forum based site run by a guy named Adam who undertook making a site for us to meet, to see that we were not alone, and begin swapping stories. Much like this one. So I began to write to as many 33ers as I could find addresses on, attempting to open a dialogue with anyone who wanted to talk. I did find trolls, and religious fanatics galore, who were convinced it was a bad thing, a personal thing, or had to do with their religion exclusively, but there were some that were easy to talk to. I am still friends with them today. And as I went on searching for others - it dawned on me, I got exactly what I asked for. I was finding individuals of like minded qualities from all over the world, many of them different than myself, but still sharing in some of the most basic of ideas I lived with everyday as a practicing "healer" (aka, "nutjob" in many circles I've encountered)

As I began to accept that the single most accomplishment 33 had brought to me was in meeting others I could relate to, I began to think of it as primarily for this purpose, and started building a modest network of friends who saw this too. Over the last three to four years, I have become very close to many 33ers, (I've met hundreds online, and some in person through arranged meetings, which btw took place at the 33rd parallel on which Columbia, SC is built) and we have learned to depend on each other in ways that weren't available before 33 formally introduced us. As this went on, I started some forums, built memberships and went further down this rabbit hole than I ever imagined I could. Of course, this is usually the case when we find ourselves no longer alone in something.

I am a member and moderator of a group of 33ers dedicated to posting to each other at least once a week. We have members in the Netherlands, New York, Canada, SC, and a chat room to chat live with each other set up at a different location run and operated by a 33er and supported by our small group. My name is Clint, some call me Cat, it's been a pleasure to meet you, as well as all those who will read this. Welcome to the world of 33.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

By Terence Le Duc

It is not a curse - its a positive sign that something good will happen or you are thinking along the right track or you have made the right decision.

33 has been in my life now for well over 15 years. The first time I can recall using 33 to my benefit was when I went to a Casino in London and was not ready to bet my usual numbers on the Roulette wheel so I quickly place £20 on number 33 and of course it came up.

I had been waking up at 3.33am for quite a few weeks before that and it kept popping up everywhere I looked.

Sometimes it gets very spooky - as though the 33 fairy is excited about my future and wants to keep telling me to keep going, other times it can be eerily quiet and I think she has left me to go elsewhere but she always comes back.

I feel blessed and happy that 33 is in my life - I see it all the times and it never fails to catch me out when I am not looking for it and there is no way it can appear there it is - in a sign, on a bus (our local bus route the only one in the whole country is 333!), on mobile telephones.

Once I looked at the mobile phone and the call had lasted 3minutes and 33 seconds. Bills and receipts sometimes add up to all the three's.

I take photos of my car mileage as so often it has read 333.3 miles - the other day I pasted this from my ebay account time 08.33.33 BST.

I have told friends and relatives about it over the years and that is when the 33 fairy has really got carried away. (Showing off I think)

Once we were in France with three friends we drove to Carcasonne from our Villa in Canet drove around all day and arrived back at the villa. As I went to get out of the car I glanced down at the kilometers we had driven that day and I was astonished to see it was 333.3 exactly.

Another time I took our neighbors to Southend to the casino there and drove them home - when we got home my neighbor Ken pointed out to me that the mileage was showing XX333.3.

Last one for now - I took some other friends to a fish restaurant in Chelmsford. We were seated in the waiting area having a drink, I went to the toilet and then found my friends were astonished to tell me that we were to be taken to table 33.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Too Funny

This is too funny as I writing the blog below, autosaved my draft at 3:33pm. LOL

Banana Republic

Back in 2006, I went to buy a long black coat from Banana Republic and when i look at the receipt i saw that I bought it at one o'clock and thirty-three minutes and thirty three seconds. I am including the photo of that receipt.

Friday, April 17, 2009

By Beth Nuchman

So . . . shortly after dating the "cursed" blogger David, the number 33 began to "curse" my existence as well. I had just moved into my apartment and went IKEA to furnish my east village hovel. David came along to tame my tacky taste. We randomly picked assorted items such as dressers, pillows and bed sheets. As we rang the items up and I received the bill, my eyes popped out of my head when I saw the total: $333.33. I sheepishly shoved the receipt in his face and he grinned. This was the first of many 33's that occurred in the course of our relationship. Many times when we'd go out to dinner there would be some 33 in one part or another of our bill. We took a trip to Paris and of course, the number of our hotel room was . . . 33. I would see 33's on the subway on street signs and in phone numbers. It's been almost five years now and I still am cursed by the number 33. A few years back when David moved into his first apartment, I got him such an excellent house warming present. Two pewter 3's which he proudly displays right near his bedroom door.